Our Need for Forgiveness
Let’s take this moment to invoke the Presence of Spirit.
It’s goodness, its light, its consciousness and its atmosphere of forgiveness.
There is only one mind, one Source, and one life, and that is life as a spiritual being, as a loving being.
I affirm that we all come from this one source.
We are inseparably one with the infinite Presence and Power.
I now speak my word for myself and for all, as I activate the power of forgiveness.
I seek to be right with God, with life and with others.
I release all resentments, which may adversely affect the health of my mind and body.
I want to live with a spontaneous flow of enthusiasm to claim joy in my life.
I realize that for me to be one with God, I need to be at peace with everyone and everything.
I keep my flow of good going with thoughts of love and generosity, goodwill and peace, poise and power.
I remember that what I refuse to give, I am also refusing to accept.
By forgiving others, I am also accepting forgiveness.
With a grateful heart, I express overwhelming thankfulness for more love, more kindness, more forgiveness and more compassion in my life.
And so it is. Amen.
Composed by Marlene Ardoin, RScP
(Based on article in Science of Mind Magazine, December 2018.)
From an article by Ernest Holmes, entitled “Our Need for Forgiveness.”
This prayer is available on Dial-a-Thought from December 19-22, 2018 by dialing 707 544-5423)
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12/12/2018 # Our Need for Forgiveness