Angels Among Us

Angels among Us

 Let’s take this moment to invoke the Presence of Spirit,

It’s goodness, its light, its consciousness and its atmosphere of peace.

There is only one mind, one Source, and one life,

And that is life as a spiritual being, as a loving being.

 I affirm that we all come from this one source.

We are inseparably one with the infinite Presence and Power.

 I now speak my word for myself and for all,

As I activate the power of goodness.

 I remain calm, centered and expectant of my good, knowing that the universe responds in a wonderful and unique way.

I believe that the universe is conspiring for my good.

My steadfast belief that all is unfolding perfectly is like a magnet, attracting angels and abundance into my life.

The universe also provides me with the great opportunity to be an angel to others in need.

I am overwhelmingly thankful for the angels who show up to make my day brighter and to make the world a better place.

I believe that angels are everywhere, willing to be of service.

 I take joy in the act of sharing my gift of service, knowing that we are all capable of being angels to others.

 With a grateful heart, I express overwhelming thankfulness for more love, more kindness, more understanding and more compassion in my life.

And so it is. Amen.


Composed by Marlene Ardoin, RScP

From an article in Science of Mind Magazine, November 2019,

“Angels among Us” by Sally Robbins.

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11/4/2019 # Angels among Us