Spiritual Power

Spiritual Power

 Let’s take this moment to invoke the Presence of Spirit.

It’s goodness, its light, its consciousness and its atmosphere of peace.

There is only one mind, one Source, and one life, and that is life as a spiritual being, as a loving being.

 This universe is the glory of God.  It is a moving, flexible, fluidic creation.

It is alive with life, abundance and all the richness of God.

 I express the deep knowledge that God is within me, and we are all inseparably one with the infinite Presence and Power.

I affirm that we all come from this one source.

 I now speak my word for myself and for all, as I align myself with the Law of Spiritual Power.

 I believe that the tendency of human thought is altruistic with more good than bad.

I believe that what I give, comes back to me.

My soul is immune to negation and is triumphant by the Power of Spirit.

When I give my attention to God, to Spirit, I am able to achieve perfection through the recognition of Spiritual Power.

Through the process of my faith, I am able to mentally eliminate the invisible cause, when faced with an objective obstruction.

When I look at a physical fact and say it is not a necessity, it will tend to evaporate by the Law of Mind, and vice versa.

All my words have creative power, particularly constructive words.

I have great conviction that my words are effective, which come from my inner experience and realization of the Divine inherent within me.

My words and thoughts provide the channel for the flow of Spiritual Power.

I am living in a Spiritual Universe now.

I realize that I am here, not only to live, but to create.

 So it is with a grateful heart, that I express overwhelming thankfulness for my own self-expression, for love, for creativity and for Spiritual Power in my life.

And so it is.


Composed by Marlene Ardoin, RScP.

Based on article in Science of Mind Magazine, March 2021 entitled “The Greatest of all Possibilities.”

Excerpted from “Freedom From Stress” by Ernest Holmes.

A digital subscription to Science of Mind Magazine is available for $9.95 a year by calling 1-800-247-6463 or outside USA 1-818-487-4572.

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This prayer is available on Dial-a-Thought from April 7-10, 2021 by dialing 707 544-5423.

3/26/2021 # Spiritual Power