Healing From Loss

Healing From Loss

Let’s take this moment to invoke the Presence of Spirit.

It’s goodness, its light, its consciousness and its atmosphere of peace.

There is only one mind, one Source, and one life,

And that is life as a spiritual being, as a loving being.

This universe is the glory of God. It is a moving, flexible, fluidic creation.

It is alive with life, abundance and all the richness of God.

I express the deep knowledge that God is within me, and

We are all inseparably one with the infinite Presence and Power.

I affirm that we all come from this one source.

I now speak my word for myself and for all

As I align myself with the Spiritual Law of Healing.

I believe that each individual is an eternal destiny, a forever-expanding principal of conscious Intelligence.

I believe that each individual is birthless, deathless, and a changeless aspect of God.

The forward-moving energies of love keeps me fluid in my feelings, and heals me every chance it gets.

I realize that healing may take time, but I believe that I will be restored, if I allow it.

I allow myself to be loved in every way, through work, through artistic endeavor and through people, who care about me.

I am restored by going to worship.

I release any sense of guilt that I may have.

I slowly begin to resume my normal activities.

I allow myself to be loved by others.

I give and receive healing through conversation with others.

I uplift my own spirits by helping others.

I pray and talk to God.

I gradually begin to look forward to things to come, to a future that has been redirected to a new path.

So it is with a grateful heart, that I express overwhelming thankfulness for more healing, happiness, joy, love and peace for myself and for everyone.

With an open heart, I release my word into the action of the Law to be made manifest in form, as it is already known in the Mind.

And so it is. Amen.


Composed by Marlene Ardoin, RScP

(Based on article in Science of Mind Magazine, April 2019.)

From an article by Margaret Stortz entitled “Infinitude – Lessons from Loss – 7 Spiritual Strategies along the Way to Healing”

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3/29/2019 # Healing From Loss

Courage to Do Good

Courage to Do Good

Let’s take this moment to invoke the Presence of Spirit; It’s goodness, its light, its consciousness and its atmosphere of peace. There is only one mind, one Source, and one life, And that is life as a spiritual being, as a loving being.

This universe is the glory of God. It is a moving, flexible, fluidic creation. It is alive with life, abundance and all the richness of God.

I express the deep knowledge that God is within me, and we are all inseparably one with the infinite Presence and Power. I affirm that we all come from this one Source.

I now speak my word for myself and for all,  as I align myself with the spiritual law of courage.

I participate in mobilizing a values-centered, non-violent response to confront injustice and to build bridges of understanding.

I acknowledge the role that I have to play in ending racism, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia and islamophobia.

I seek to create a place where activists, artists, clergy and community can heal racial wounds and practice color and cultural braveness.

I seek to co-create a world of peace, prosperity and unconditional love for all. I realize that to take no position on inequities, on xenophobia, homophobia, racism, sexism and all the other –isms, or to take a neutral position on these, is to be complicit with them.

I pledge to honor the dignity and inherent worth of every human being.

I pledge to oppose injustice, not people. I pledge to dedicate myself to use my talent to empower others as I empower myself.

I pledge to consciously practice peace on a daily basis. I pledge to treat each person that I meet with courtesy, respect and fairness.

I make a conscious choice to keep my flow of love. All my choices come from a place of love.

So it is with a grateful heart, that I express overwhelming thankfulness for my own courage, for love, for kindness and for compassion in my life. And so it is. Amen

Composed by Marlene Ardoin, RScP

(Based on article in Science of Mind Magazine, February 2019, “A Courageous Demonstration of Faith,” Julie Mierau’s interview with Rev. Kevin Kitrell Ross)


3/5/2019 # Courage to Do Good