How Ideas Control Destiny
Let’s take this moment to invoke the Presence of Spirit.
It’s goodness, its light, its consciousness and its atmosphere of peace.
There is only one mind, one Source, and one life,
And that is life as a spiritual Being, as a loving Being.
This universe is the glory of God. It is a moving, flexible, fluidic creation.
It is alive with life, abundance and all the richness of God.
I express the deep knowledge that God is within me, and we are all inseparably one with the infinite Presence and Power.
I affirm that we all come from this one source.
I now speak my word for myself and for all,
As I align myself with Spiritual Law and its creative principle.
I allow my thoughts to be a channel for the Infinite Mind.
I accept that the wisdom of the universal mind is creating through me.
I know that the universe is alive, awake and aware.
I combine my imagination with faith in solving all my problems.
I trust that the mind of God only wishes what is good for me, only wills what is good for me, and only knows what is good for me.
I acknowledge that I am surrounded by a power that can do anything.
I am willing to work with my thoughts, gradually bringing them under control.
Through my imagination and feelings, I find that I am able to create a new role for myself in life.
I identify with this new role.
I protect and nurture the hope within me, which is necessary for all my achievement.
I believe in a power that is greater than me.
I keep my mind open to the greater good and the larger possibility.
I know that I am made, not only to live, but to give back to life.
So it is with a grateful heart, that I express overwhelming thankfulness
For my own self-empowerment, for love, for kindness and for compassion in my life.
And so it is.
Composed by Marlene Ardoin, RScP
(Based on article in Science of Mind Magazine, September 2018.)
From a radio program made on Sunday, Jan. 29, 1950 by Dr. Ernest Holmes, entitled “Ideas Control Your Destiny.”
This prayer is available on Dial-a-Thought from September 12-15, 2018 by dialing 707 544-5423)
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9/10/2018 # How Ideas Control Destiny