How Religion Expresses Itself
Let’s take this moment to invoke the Presence of Spirit,
It’s goodness, its light, its consciousness and its atmosphere of peace.
There is only one mind, one source, and one life,
And that is life as a spiritual being, as a loving being.
I affirm that we all come from this one source.
We are inseparably one with the infinite Presence and Power.
I now speak my word for myself and for all,
As I activate the principles of the spiritual universe.
I seek to discover the unfoldment of the Divine Being that already exists within me.
I realize that my own Divine Being is the same indwelling Spirit that fills all nature, all time and all space with its Presence and infinite unity.
I recognize that this indwelling Presence responds directly to my thought.
Spirit thinks through my thoughts and expresses itself through my actions.
God’s work is accomplished through me, as it eternally unfolds.
I am a unique manifestation of the whole that is rooted in the Infinite.
As a spiritual mind healer, I express religion by being one with unity and law.
My place in this creative order is as a dispenser of my Divine gifts from the indwelling God.
When I act in unity with God, joy and laughter take the place of sorrow and tears.
By being in unity with God, I am in unity with Good.
My approach to Reality is simple, direct and spontaneous.
I manifest right ideas, law, order, truth and beauty as I am guided by this Divine Presence.
My expression of religion is to be receptive to that greater side of my nature.
As I am guided into the unfoldment of my being, I rest in perfect peace.
With a grateful heart, I express overwhelming thankfulness
For more love, more kindness, more understanding and more compassion in my life.
And so it is. Amen.
Composed by Marlene Ardoin, RScP
(Based on an article in Science of Mind Magazine, Dec. 2020, entitled “What Is Religion” from “How the Mind Creates” By Ernest Holmes.)
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This prayer is available on Dial-a-Thought from Dec. 23-26, 2020 by dialing 707 544-5423.
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12/19/2020 # How Religion Expresses Itself