Way to a Powerful, Unlimited Life

Way to a Powerful, Unlimited Life

 Let’s take this moment to invoke the Presence of Spirit,

It’s goodness, its light, its consciousness and its atmosphere of peace.

There is only one mind, one Source, and one life,

And that is life as a spiritual being, as a loving being.

 I affirm that we all come from this one source.

We are inseparably one with the infinite Presence and Power.

 I now speak my word for myself and for all,

As I activate the power of infinite possibilities.

I believe that spiritual mind healings are as relevant as medical discoveries, psychology and every other system of therapeutics.

I believe that the universe is organized and operates as a spiritual system.

My word is operated on by an intelligent creativity that moves through my thoughts, allowing law to manifest definite purposes.

With my words, I create an atmosphere of feeling which Law acts upon for the benefit of any person being treated, affirming that God is everywhere.

I call upon the divine within each individual to respond with spiritual awareness of their oneness with the divine presence.

I affirm that there is nothing in the universe that desires to harm or hurt any individual, since truth and Law are one and the same.

It is my goal to gently release emotionally charged thoughts, ideas and feelings that may be blocking my healing.

I release rejection, guilt, insecurity and anxiety.

With my words, I release isolation, the burden of guilt and the condemnation of rejection.

I invoke an enthusiastic joy for living.

I accept God’s love, allowing my individual awareness to know that I am wanted, needed and loved and belong to the universe.

God has created me for a purpose, and does not reject me, since I am an integral part necessary to the whole of the universe.

I am conscious of belonging to life, of feeling the Divine Presence, and being able to accept my good.

I accept God’s love, God’s joy and God’s beauty within myself.

Through spiritual mind treatment, I declare that there is a silent power, real and dynamic, that heals me.

I am befriended by the Infinite One, whose compassion I feel, and whose love has overpowered and restored my vision of life.

Through my healing, I am able to realize a more powerful life full of joy, love, prosperity, full creative expression and the ability to have the experiences I desire with ease and grace.

Life is beyond limitation.

My life is of pure spirit, unlimited potentiality and unbound joy and goodness.

With a grateful heart, I express overwhelming thankfulness for my unlimited potential, for love, for kindness, for understanding and for compassion in my life.

And so it is. Amen.

Composed by Marlene Ardoin, RScP

Based on an article in Science of Mind Magazine, entitled “Thoughts Develop into Experiences,” in April 2022 issue.

Excerpted from the Ernest Holmes’s article, “Your Mind Is Creative” in the January 1965 Science of Mind Magazine.

(A digital subscription of Science of Mind Magazine is $14.95 a year by calling 1-800-247-6463 or outside USA 1-818-487-4572.)

5/11/2022 # Way to a Powerful, Unlimited Life

Wonder, Love and Praise

Wonder, Love and Praise                                                                                                                                        

Let’s take this moment to invoke the Presence of Spirit.

It’s goodness, its light, its consciousness and its atmosphere of peace.

There is only one mind, one Source, and one life,

And that is life as a spiritual Being, as a loving Being.

 This universe is the glory of God.  It is a moving, flexible, fluidic creation.

It is alive with life, abundance and all the richness of God.

 I express the deep knowledge that God is within me, and

We are all inseparably one with the infinite Presence and Power.

I affirm that we all come from this one source.

 I now speak my word for myself and or all,

As I align myself with the purpose of the Universe.

 I choose harmony, not discord.

I choose love, not hate.

I understand that Divine Spirit is equally and evenly distributed.

I accept the childlike wonder within myself that keeps me enthusiastic and joyful about my life.

I surrender to the Divine heart, to human love and to Divine wisdom.

I realize that wonder comes from the inner most resources of my own divine nature and my life essence.

I realize that I am one with all life, so I must include everyone and see them as a reflection of my own soul.

I create my future of Good by expressing harmony, love and inclusion.

I release my littleness, my fears, my grasping and the need to have my own way in exchange for a path of surrender to eternal, everlasting, wonder, love and praise.

 So it is with a grateful heart, that I express overwhelming thankfulness for my own wonder, love, and praise in my heart.

And so it is.  Amen.

 Composed by Marlene Ardoin, RScP

Based on article in Science of Mind Magazine, August 2020, titled “Wonder, Love and Praise”, an unpublished Asilomar talk by Ernest Holmes from August 13, 1956.

A digital subscription to Science of Mind Magazine is available for $9.95 a year by calling 1-800-247-6463 or outside USA 1-818-487-4572.

This prayer is available on Dial-a-Thought from Sept. 13-15, 2020 by dialing 707 544-5423.

A $1 donation buys an email subscription to “Prayers of the Spirit.”

9/4/2020 # Wonder, Love and Praise

The Highest Mind

The Highest Mind

Let’s take this moment to invoke the Presence of Spirit,

It’s goodness, its light, its consciousness and its atmosphere of peace.

There is only one mind, one Source, and one life,

And that is life as a spiritual being, as a loving being.

 I affirm that we all come from this one source.

We are inseparably one with the infinite Presence and Power.

 I now speak my word for myself and for all,

As I align myself with Spiritual Law and its creative principle.

 I use the creative power of my mind to manifest love, power and peace, as I define my own individuality.

The highest attitude of my mind is one of perfect calm and absolute trust in Spirit.

With perfect confidence, I look into the future.

With perfect ease, my mind rests in the present.

Through non-resistance, I cause evil to flee from me.

I look only at what I want, without resisting anything.

I believe that a great change is taking place.

I realize that underneath, Spiritual Power is at work destroying all unlike itself.

I believe that the divine plan has no mistakes and that if God could have done it in a better way, it would have been done differently.

By living a life overflowing with joy, I show the world the right way.

By always being glad, I surround myself with people who are happy, and I create a life of continual enjoyment.

The atmosphere that I create, cheers and uplifts others.

Today, I am setting in motion the power of tomorrow.

My soul learns to live in the great gladness of today.

I am never weary of life, because I live in the eternal here and now.

I trust Spirit to guide me today.

I see God in all manifestation, in all people, through all events.

All I see is the body of God – full, free, complete, whole.

Of all things on Earth, the human body is the most beautiful, the most wonderful and the most God-like.

I realize that if I do not love my brother, whom I have seen, I cannot love God, whom I have not seen.

I activate the power of attraction, against which nothing can stand.

I appreciate nature, spending much time in the outdoors, looking into the stars.

I realize that all things come to me through the use of my thought.

I constantly expand my thoughts, so that I keep growing.

Growth is the law of life and is necessary for me to overcome all precedents, and to set myself in the new order of things.

I believe that God has created me for a glorious future.

 So it is with a grateful heart, that I express overwhelming thankfulness for my own self-realization, for love, for kindness, for joy and for blessings in my life.

And so it is.  Amen.

Composed by Marlene Ardoin, RScP

(Based on article in Science of Mind Magazine, June 2020.)

Excerpt from “Creative Mind” by Ernest Holmes, published in 1919, “The Highest Attitude of Mind.”

A digital subscription to Science of Mind Magazine is available for $9.95 a year by calling 1-800-247-6463 or outside USA 1-818-487-4572.

A $1 donation buys an email subscription to “Prayers of the Spirit” for a year.

 6/20/2020 # The Highest Mind

Planting a Mental Garden

Planting a Mental Garden

Let’s take this moment to invoke the Presence of Spirit, it’s goodness, its light, its consciousness and its atmosphere of peace.

There is only one mind, one Source, and one life,

And that is life as a spiritual being, as a loving being.

This universe is the glory of God. It is a moving, flexible, fluidic creation.

It is alive with life, abundance and all the richness of God.

I express the deep knowledge that God is within me, and we are all inseparably one with the infinite Presence and Power.

 I affirm that we all come from this one source.

I now speak my word for myself and for all,

As I align myself with Spiritual Law and its creative principle.

 I use the creative law of Life for the purpose of producing a good selected harvest.

In the garden of my mind, I plant the soil of faith and the seed of hope.

I prepare the good soil of my mind by selecting good thoughts, good feelings and a good mental attitude toward life.

I embrace faith, love, hope and acceptance.

Like in the miracle of nature, I plant my mental seeds with a happy and enthusiastic expectancy of the creative law of nature.

I know through experience that if I plant good seeds in good soil, that life will give me a good harvest.

In my mental garden, my thought is the seed through which the Law of love can heal, enrich and expand my experience.

I realize that the thoughts that I plant in my consciousness becomes my future.

I release all doubt and unbelief.

I uproot the weeds of fear.

I release all obstructions, so that my thoughts flow freely with a childlike faith and expectancy.

I use God’s law of creation to produce that which I long for, that which is my highest hope, and the goals of my greatest attainment.

I allow the warmth of God’s sunshine and the refreshment of God’s gentle rain to penetrate the soil of my mind,

Turning it into the rich loam of love.

I understand that my simple, sincere thoughts are the seeds that produce a variety of experiences.

The mental seeds that I choose to plant are health, success, love, abundance and self-expression.

I draw upon the Infinite by allowing God to manifest more happiness, more friendship, more love and good for myself as I awaken to the recognition of my unity with the whole.

 So it is with a grateful heart, that I express overwhelming thankfulness for love, for kindness and for compassion in my life.

And so it is.

 Composed by Marlene Ardoin, RScP

(Based on article in Science of Mind Magazine, April 2020.)

Excerpts from “How to Plant Your Mental Garden” by Ernest Holmes, as heard on “This Thing Called Life,” Sunday, March 5, 1950.

 A digital subscription to Science of Mind Magazine is available for $9.95 a year by calling 1-800-247-6463 or outside USA 1-818-487-4572.

This prayer is available on Dial-a-Thought from April 19-21, 2020 by dialing 707 544-5423.

 A $1 donation buys an email subscription to “Prayers of the Spirit” for a year.

 4/11/2020 # Planting a Mental Garden



 Let’s take this moment to invoke the Presence of Spirit, it’s goodness, its light, its consciousness and its atmosphere of peace.

There is only one mind, one Source, and one life, and that is life as a spiritual being, as a loving being.

This universe is the glory of God. It is a moving, flexible, fluidic creation.

It is alive with life, abundance and all the richness of God.

I express the deep knowledge that God is within me, and we are all inseparably one with the infinite Presence and Power.

I affirm that we all come from this one source.

I now speak my word for myself and for all, as I align myself with the principles of Surrender.

I embrace Life with joy, without reservation and in complete abandonment.

I accept that everything in the universe lives because it has a Divine spark incarnated in it.

I release fear, so that I am able to venture into the vast estate that is mine in the universe.

The God in me expresses as Love, giving-ness and self-surrender to the Divine creation.

I realize that everything that I encounter responds to me at the level of my state of consciousness.

I strive for courage, love, balance, poise and non-judgement, so that I may have a healing effect on others.

I surrender to loving everyone and I surrender by releasing fear of anything.

By releasing fear, doubt and hatred, I surrender my entire self to the greater influx of Life.

I embrace love as the highest Principle that Life has to give us, because it is Life acting in unity with itself.

Through my expression of love, I allow myself to sit in the sunlight and to be bathed by its warm embrace.

So it is with a grateful heart, that I express overwhelming thankfulness for my surrender, for my own self-realization, for love, for kindness and for compassion in my life.

And so it is.


Composed by Marlene Ardoin, RScP

(Based on article in Science of Mind Magazine, February 2020.)

From an article by Ernest Holmes entitled “The Great Surrender” excerpted from “The Spiritual Universe and You” by Ernest Holmes.

This prayer is available on Dial-a-Thought from March 1-3, 2020 by dialing 707 544-5423.

 A digital subscription to Science of Mind Magazine is available for $9.95 a year by calling 1-800-247-6463 or outside USA 1-818-487-4572.

A $1 donation buys an email subscription to “Prayers of the Spirit.”

2/19/2020 # Surrender

The Spiritual Universe

The Spiritual Universe

Let’s take this moment to invoke the Presence of Spirit,

It’s goodness, its light, its consciousness and its atmosphere of peace.

There is only one mind, one source, and one life,

And that is life as a spiritual being, as a loving being.

I affirm that we all come from this one source.

We are inseparably one with the infinite Presence and Power.

I now speak my word for myself and for all,

As I activate the principles of the spiritual universe.

I treat to give to others that which I desire for myself.

I treat to be that which I seek for myself.

I seek to reveal myself to myself.

I expect to receive exactly what I have given to others and have become myself.

I seek to harmonize with beauty, truth, goodness and love.

I recognize that spiritual mind healing and demonstrations come from living in harmony with the spiritual universe, establishing in my body a psychosomatic relationship.

I recognize that the mind and the body are the same thing.

I seek to embody the presence of peace, wholeness, love, harmonious relationships and prosperity.

I recognize that the spiritual universe gives me exactly what I need, because it resonates with my being at all times.

With a grateful heart, I express overwhelming thankfulness

For more love, more kindness, more understanding and more compassion in my life.

And so it is. Amen.


Composed by Marlene Ardoin, RScP

(From an article in Science of Mind Magazine, September 2019,

Based on Ernest Holmes’ speech entitled “The Spiritual Universe” at Asilomar on August 1, 1954.)

(Available at ScienceofMindArchives.com)

This prayer is available on Dial-a-Thought from August 28-31, 2019 by dialing 707 544-5423)

 A $1 donation buys an email subscription to “Prayers of the Spirit.”

8/26/2019 # the Spiritual Universe


Florida Shooting Victims

Florida Shooting Victims

Let’s take this moment to invoke the Presence of Spirit.

 It’s goodness, its light, its consciousness and its atmosphere of peace.

 There is only one mind, one Source, and one life,

 And that is life as a Spiritual Being, as a Loving Being.

 This universe is the glory of God. It is a moving, flexible, fluidic creation.

 It is alive with life, abundance and all the richness of God.

 I express the deep knowledge that God is within me, and we are all inseparably one with the infinite Presence and Power.

 I affirm that we all come from this one source.

 I now speak my word for myself and for all,

 As I align myself with the principle of compassion for the Florida shooting victims.

I affirm that I live in a community where the humblest and the weakest person can enjoy the highest civil, economic and social rights as the most powerful possess.

I affirm that the cost of liberty is less than the price of repression.

I acknowledge that a friend encourages my voice and my right to grow.

I affirm that justice everywhere is a threat to injustice anywhere.

I strive to make submission to violence difficult for those who may attempt it.

I seek to equip every child, youth, churchgoer, and any other possible victim with the cultural armor of meaning, faith and love.

I seek freedom from fear for all,

And I resist any attempt to diminish individual power.

 I let this recognition flow through my entire consciousness.

 I let it reach down into the very depths of my being.

 I rejoice in this realization, knowing that I possess the vitality of the Infinite.

 I accept an awakened consciousness in every moment of my life.

 I trust myself, the process and God.

 I place my reliance in the Power, the Presence and the Perfection of God.

 So, it is with a grateful heart, that I express overwhelming thankfulness for peace, meaning, faith and love for the victims of the Florida shootings.

 And so it is. Amen.

 Composed by Marlene Ardoin, RScP

(Based on book by Janet Cheatham Bell entitled “Famous Black Quotations”)

 A $1 donation buys an email subscription to “Prayers of the Spirit.”

2/16/2018 # Florida Shooting Victims

Walking the Walk

Walking the Walk

Let’s take this moment to invoke the Presence of Spirit.

Its goodness, its light, and its atmosphere of peace.

There is only one mind, one Source, and one life,

And that is life as a Spiritual Being, as a loving Being.


I affirm that we all come from this one Source.

We are inseparably one with the infinite Presence and Power.


I now speak my word for myself and for all.

As I align myself with Spirit’s power.


I stand firm at times of challenge and controversy.

I seek to eliminate poverty, child poverty, low wages, and lack of access to health care, lack of environmental protection, lack of immigrant and LBGTQ protection, and against voter suppression.

I seek to reverse legislation that is harmful to the poor, the elderly, the sick, and the disenfranchised.

I honor Moral Mondays that promise the American dream for those too frequently overlooked or left behind and to improve the lives of all people.

I live to awaken the heart of a nation.

I see it as an issue of “Right vs Wrong” for labor rights, for women’s rights, for education, for helping people when they are unemployed.

I awaken hearts with the power of love, with the power of mercy and by fighting for justice for all in a Democracy.

I strive to change the national consciousness by changing my own consciousness.

I stand for justice, inclusion, love and breaking all chains that oppress.

I believe in the power of love.

So it is with a grateful heart that I express overwhelming thankfulness

For my own self-empowerment, for love, for kindness and for compassion in my life.

And so it is. Amen

Composed by Marlene Ardoin, RScP


(Based on article in Science of Mind Magazine, January 2018.)


“Walking the Walk” Interview with Rev. Dr. William Barber II by Julie Mierau


(This prayer is available on Dial-a-Thought from December 13-16, 2017 by dialing 707 544-5423)


A $1 donation buys an email subscription to “Prayers of the Spirit.”


 12/9/2017 # Walking the Walk


There is only one mind, God.

There is only one source, God.

There is only one life,

And that is life as a Spiritual Being, as a loving being.

This universe is the glory of God.

It is a moving, flexible, fluidic creation.

It is alive with life, abundance and all the richness of God.

 I express the deep knowledge that God is within me,

And every individual is inseparably one with the infinite presence and power.

 I now speak my word for myself and for all

As I activate the Law of optimism.

 I become an optimist with every breath that I take.

I smile at everyone I meet.

I expect something good to happen to me today,

No matter what occurred yesterday.

I realize the past no longer holds me captive.

I let the past go.

I believe an abundant world awaits.

 And, it is with overwhelming thankfulness that I accept the consciousness of more joy, more love, more abundance, more peace and more good for every individual.

 So with an open heart, I release my word into the action of the Law to be made manifest in form, as it is already known in the Mind.

And so it is. Amen.

 Composed by Marlene Ardoin, RScP

A $1 donation buys an email subscription to “Prayers of the Spirit”


12/7/2017 # Optimism

Healing Choices

Healing Choices

Let’s take this moment to invoke the Presence of Spirit.

It’s goodness, its light, its consciousness and its atmosphere of peace.

There is only one mind, one Source, and one life,

And that is life as a spiritual Being. As a loving Being.

This universe is the glory of God. It is a moving, flexible, fluidic creation.

It is alive with life, abundance and all the richness of God.

I express the deep knowledge that God is within me, and we are all inseparably one with the infinite Presence and Power.

I affirm that we all come from this one source.

I now speak my word for myself and for all

As I align myself with the Spiritual Law of healing.

I move prudently toward my deepest healing, building confidence as I go.

I practice patient self-acceptance and love.

I am gentle with my feelings, I allow myself to rest.

I reach out to those whom I trust.

I ask for and I am receptive to guidance and reassurance.

I surround myself with friends, information, supportive “self-talk” to nurture and to reassure myself.

I notice whether my daily choices are life-supporting or not.

I choose an easy flow towards a successful healing in my life.

So it is with a grateful heart, that I express overwhelming thankfulness

For more healing, happiness, joy, love and peace for myself and for everyone.

With an open heart, I release my word into the action of the Law to be made manifest in form, as it is already known in the Mind.

And so it is. Amen.

Composed by Marlene Ardoin, RScP

A $1 donation buys an email subscription to “Prayers of the Spirit.”

11/20/2017 # Healing Choices